Building Ongoing Campaign

Outbound bots need to reach out to contacts automatically based on the trigger action originating from a third party system. Hence making Outbound bot active all the time to cater these request

What can I do with ongoing campaigns?

Well, you can run any kind of campaign as long as you have the list of customers present in the CRM and a template for the promotion or engagement that you want to send.

Some of the most common use-cases for ongoing campaigns include;

  • Transactional Messages

  • Feedback Survey

  • Product Announcements

  • Invoices

  • Product Offers

  • Monthly Newsletters

  • Onboarding or Welcome Messages

What are prerequisites for an ongoing campaign?

  • WhatsApp Business APIs or SMS APIs

  • Configuring these channel APIs on Cataleya

How do I set it up?

The outbound bot in an 'Ongoing' campaign requires you to perform the following to begin its workflow;

  • Creating an Outbound Bot

  • Invoking the web-hook

  • Saving the data into variables

  • Deploying the bot

Creating an Outbound Bot:

To create the outbound bot for running ongoing campaign, you can follow the following steps;

  • Click on 'Build a Bot'

  • Select 'Build an Outbound Bot'

  • Choose 'Ongoing'

Invoking the web-hook:

In-order to run the campaign, you will need to call the Cataleya's web-hook URL and pass the data that is to be used while sending the campaign.

Some of the tools through which you can invoke the web-hook URL;

  • Via your system

  • Zapier


  • Postman

Things required for invoking web-hook URL:

  • Web-hook URL: You will be able to find the web-hook URL from the 'Trigger' action block

  • Authorisation Token: To access the authorisation token, go to 'Settings -> Account -> Details'

  • Third party tools like Postman, Zapier, etc: Let's suppose you are using Postman to invoke the web-hook, here are the steps you need to perform.

    • Create a new request

    • Select the request type as 'Post'

    • Paste the web-hook URL against it

    • Go to 'Headers' & configure the following:

      • Key: Authorisation

      • Value: Bearer 'Token ID'

    • Go to 'Body -> Raw -> JSON' & paste the following snippet in the body section in case the message needs to be sent to just one recipient

    "Name": "Nick Grey", 
    "Phone": "918181818181",
    "Email": ""
  • In case the message needs to be sent to multiple recipients, following snippets can be used;

    "Name": "Nick Grey", 
    "Phone": "918181818181", 
    "Email": ""
    "Name": "Shaun Williams", 
    "Phone": "918282828282", 
    "Email": ""

You can send message to 10,000 contacts in single request

  • Click 'Send' to invoke the campaign

Saving the data into Variables:

In-order to successfully send the messages to your contacts, first you need to save the contacts on Cataleya. We do that by saving the response received on the web-hook into variables on the 'Trigger' action blocks.

You can create the variables and map it with the object path under API response fields. These variables can be used while creating the templates for dynamically replacing it with the actual values, similar to mail merge.

One of the most important factors to be addressed is that the variable that will be used as a phone number needs to be correctly mapped with the field that contains the phone number

Deploying the Bot:

Once the configuration is completed, you can follow the following steps to build the bot;

  • Add 'Send WhatsApp' or 'Send SMS' action block on canvas by clicking on '+'

  • Select 'Send WhatsApp' or 'Send SMS'

  • Configure it on the right panel;

    • From: Select the phone number from which the message needs to be sent

    • To: Select the variable that is mapped with the phone number

    • Template: Select the template that needs to be sent

  • Choose what happens if the message is 'Not Delivered' or not 'Read' as per your preference. You can add 'Branch' action block to define the action that the bot needs to take in case the message is not delivered to your contact or they have not read it

  • Click on 'Deploy' to run the campaign

Last updated