Google Calendar

Action block allows you to set up the integration with Google Calendar in-order to allow visitors to book appointments

Available on the SILVER plan and above

When should you use this?

  • Collecting a date from the visitor

  • Booking appointments

How do I configure my Google Calendar account?

There are three ways through which you can connect your Google Calendar account with Cataleya;

  1. Through App Market: To connect your account through App Market, you can go to 'App Market -> Google Calendar -> Accounts -> Add Google Account'

  2. Through Settings: To connect your account through App Market, you can go to 'Settings -> User -> Calendar -> Connect your Google Account'

  3. Using 'Google Calendar' action block: Or you can simply add the action block in the bot flow and click on 'Add Account'

How do I set it up?

To set up the Google Calendar account and integrate with your chatbot, you can follow the following steps;

  • Add action block on canvas by clicking on '+'

  • Choose 'Google Calendar'

  • Double click on 'Google Calendar' to configure it on the right panel

    • Event: You can either choose from the available events or create a new event to configure Google Calendar

    • General:

      • Slot Duration: Slot Duration allows you to decide the duration of the meeting. You can click on 'Select the Slot Duration' to select from the available options. Minimum duration you can set is 5 minutes and maximum duration you can set is 120 minutes.

      • Buffer Time: Buffer Time allows you to set the gap / break between the meeting slots. You can click on 'Buffer time between meetings' to select the from the available options. Minimum buffer time you can set is 5 minutes and maximum you can set is 120 minutes.

      • Notice: Notice allows to set the reminder about the meeting. You can set the minutes in the space, before which you need to be notified about the scheduled meeting.

      • Future booking: By default, Google Calendar will display the slots to the visitors for the entire month. You can limit this by clicking on 'Limit on future booking' and defining the number of calendar days for which the slots needs to be visible.

      • Meeting Invites:

        • Subject: Define the subject of the meeting invite which will be sent to you as well as the visitors. You can even use the variables to customise the subject line.

        • Description: Define the description in the field, providing little more information about what the scheduled meeting is about.

        • Location: You can define the location where the meeting will be conducted. However the option will be greyed out, if you have selected 'Add a Google Meet link to your invite'

      • Contact Details: When visitor chooses to book the slot for the meeting, the bot will ask for the Name and Email of the visitor. However incase the details have already been collected in the flow, you can check 'Skip form if data is present' to skip collecting the details again. You can also add more fields by clicking on 'Form Field' if you would like to collect more details from the visitors. The ideal number that we propose is between 2 to 5 fields.

Last updated